Craig Mitchelldyer's Blog

My Random Thoughts and Photos

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Actual Work

Ok, Ok, so I did some real work today too. I shot a prep softball game for the Clackamas Review. I saw a sweet spot in the football stands that was almost directly over second base. I was pouring rain and I could see a break in the clouds and kept hoping for the sun to pop through so I could have some sweet light, maybe a rainbow, etc. but all it did was pour. I did shoot this shot of a fly ball to first.

I also shot an adorable little girl in the studio today. For this shot, I was shooting with the lights and then thought it would look cool with a real shallow Depth of Field, so I opened up to 1.8 and just used the modeling lights.


  • At 4/07/2006 3:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I;m always so proud to tell people about your website and hear the feedback. I have amazing children.



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