Craig Mitchelldyer's Blog

My Random Thoughts and Photos

Thursday, January 12, 2006

They'll never get me back

This is hilarious. If you've never worked in a cube, go watch Office Space. It's exactly like that, trust me, I worked as a computer tech for 3 years right out of school while trying to land a newspaper job and doing freelance on the side. They'll never get me back!


  • At 1/12/2006 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i remember when i worked at HSP and you were the computer guy i always had to call when our stuff was messed up. im glad were both done with that craptastic company.

  • At 1/12/2006 11:09 PM, Blogger Thomas Boyd said…

    that seriously cracked me up this morning. i bet every photographer in the country cut that thing out.

  • At 1/13/2006 6:57 AM, Blogger Ken said…

    I'm a staff photographer at a paper in central Ohio. Last year our managing editor had the photog staff (All two of us) start writing full stories with our photo pckages (2 a week). Since I am not a writer by trade, I have been spending A LOT more time in the office than ever before. So far no tie on my neck though. Viva la Resistance!

  • At 1/26/2006 11:57 PM, Blogger Evrim said…

    This is kind of the reverse for me. After Intel, I am so much happier!


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