Craig Mitchelldyer's Blog

My Random Thoughts and Photos

Saturday, January 07, 2006


This is just a quick post, but I wanted to put up a the first photo ever shot on my new Mark II N. It's from the wedding I shot today at Timberline. Stay tuned for more on this wedding, it was probably the funnest wedding I've ever been to. Lots of good images and stories to come....but I wanted to show off this photo first. This is in the main lodge at Timberline.


  • At 1/08/2006 11:55 AM, Blogger Richard Uhlhorn said…

    Hey Craig, I love the perspective.

    Looking forward to seeing more.


  • At 1/08/2006 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    dude, thats a pretty sweet pic, and the Mark ll N is super sweet. ok bye..

  • At 1/09/2006 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice job Craig, that is a really nice shot. How are you liking the MK II N? I got mine back in Early October and I'm sure you've used yours much more than I've use mine.


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