Goodbye '05
Looking back on 2005, I am very happy with how the year went. Business is growing and my family couldn't be any better....Looking forward to a great 2006.
For the first time in 2005, I kept careful track of the kinds of things I shoot so that I would be able to tell what is good, bad, etc....The breakdown is very interesting to me:
Of my 2005 Income:
48.4% is from Weddings
11.8% is from Newspaper's and Magazines (Non Sports)
9.5% is from Sports
11.4% is from the Studio
11.8% is from Advertising/Corporate/PR
1.5% is from Stock images and
5.6% is from other misc things that don't fit into these categories.
The thing that I find interesting is
1) Sports. I shoot a LOT of sports, but that does not translate into a lot of money....that is a problem. I have known for a long time that shooting sports alone does not pay the bills, but seeing it on paper is alarming. This is an area that I will have to look closely at next year.
2) Weddings. The biggest single chunk. I knew this would be the case, heck I shot 52 weddings last year! I do not consider myself a "wedding photographer" and I am happy that this portion is less than half of my business... :) Don't get me wrong, I love to shoot weddings, but my style of shooting them is "photo journalistic" I feel I need to still be a PJ AND shoot weddings to keep my images different from the rest. I think the diversity in my shooting separates me from other wedding photographers who shoot ONLY weddings.
3) Editorial. Again, something I shoot a lot of, but that does not translate very well. Newspapers continue to pay less and less so a goal of mine for 2006 is to shoot more for Magazines, Books, etc that pay much higher, while mixing in the newspaper work from bigger newspapers working less for low paying papers that take time away from my family for little pay.
4) Stock. I shoot a lot, I have a lot of stock, thus far I have done a poor job of marketing it. I would like to sell a lot more stock next year.
Well, that's about it. 2005 again was a great year for me. Mitchelldyer Photography continues to grow and I continue LOVE my job. There is nothing I would rather do. Here's to 2006!
At 1/01/2006 10:34 PM, Anonymous said…
all that typing and you still didnt update your SS page with the best photos of 2005. whats up with that bro? you should hurry up and do it...
At 1/02/2006 10:24 PM, Richard Uhlhorn said…
Craig, I'm amazed that you've already figured out where your income is coming from. I still have to do that, but I can tell you that weddings were one of the primary sources this past year. Hope to do lots more in 2006.
Happy New Year.
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