Craig Mitchelldyer's Blog

My Random Thoughts and Photos

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Worst Nightmare

I feel really, really sorry for this guy. He is taking a beating on The Knot. Read this thread and then this one. I guess what happened is his hard drive crashed with all of this wedding's photos on it and cannot be recovered. That really, really sucks and is a good reason I burn everything to DVD once it is on my computer, then again to DVD and CD (the edits) once it is edited and out the door. Having 3 backups of any one wedding is a good idea. This would be any photographers worst nightmare. I cannot even imagine having to tell a bride their photos no longer exist. I really feel bad for this guy because this is something I guarantee he did not want to happen, but cannot really control either.


  • At 10/12/2005 4:29 PM, Blogger Erik Bishoff said…

    I hate to say it but this guy was CRAZY to not at least back up to CD. I usually do one backup of the raw images immediately after getting them off the media cards and then a 2nd backup after editing.

    Oh... and your links didn't work unfortunately.



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