Craig Mitchelldyer's Blog

My Random Thoughts and Photos

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Professional Athletes

Pro Athletes, for the most part, are assholes. There are exceptions, a made a really good friend while shooitng the Padres AAA Team last summer, but those are few and far between. Most athletes act like it is the end of the world when you ask them to show up (on time) for a shoot that will only take 5-10 minutes of thier time. Nevermind that I spend an hour or so finding a location and setting up the shoot and having everything ready to go so that they only have to stand there for 5 minuutes and leave, then I spend another hour tearing it down and packing up. Tonight I did a shoot with the Portland Reign....a ABA or NBADL or Some kind of crappy ass minor league team where they players act like they are in the NBA but are not good enough to carry the punch bowl onto a real NBA court.....Anyway, nobody was on time and then they all bitched about being there and no body would stop talking ghetto long enough to listen to any kind of direction! Needless to say the shoot was a disaster.....Pro Athletes, you suck.


  • At 6/03/2005 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    DO you know the list of pro athletes from the state of ORegon in all sports? can you post it if you do?

  • At 6/03/2005 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    DO you know how many pro athletes are from the state of Oregon in the history of the MLB, NFL, NBA, AND NHL. not to mention tennis, soccer, lacrosse, nascar, indy and more..... IF you do can you post.


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